wise person once said, “Speak only if you can improve upon the silence”.
can be empty as in broken promises, be twisted out of context or spice up an
incident or tarnish a reputation.
used with compassion they can soothe an aching heart and give hope for a better
tomorrow. But most words are just waiting impatiently to rush out, many
rhetoric and meaningless, just a mean to fill in our insecurity and fear of
you grow older and supposedly wiser, you realize how important it is to choose
your words carefully. The follies of the youth, rushing in without thinking has
gotten me into trouble many times, making it sort of mandatory now to think
twice before I speak. Not that I always succeed in it, but I have realized that
silence cannot be twisted, silence cannot be misinterpreted, or hurt someone by
backbiting or gossiping. Silence stays put and unlike words do not travel. They
are most degraded when used frivolously in small talks socially. Just like empty
soap bubbles. Yet used sincerely they
can save a life. What you say and how you say it makes all the difference. They
are most powerful, when used with love and sincerity. Words that come through
the route of heart – a good heart can never hurt anyone.
the other hand, the means to express thoughts are just that – not anything more
or less. Communication is a two way process – what message reaches you depends
on how you want to perceive and understand it. We chaff the message according
to our state of mind.
words wisely and sparingly is easier said than done. The need to fill the void
with empty words is too tempting to resist and being a woman who loves to talk,
I know that it is almost impossible. But all I can do is try and make sure that
I don’t use them to slander anyone or to hurt anybody. Try is the big word here, because when anger
or jealously takes control, all your good intentions fly out of the window.
it with respect and you will be empowered, but whatever be the case –and
depending on who is on the receiving end – words can be inspiring or shallow
and empty.
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