Monday, July 21, 2014

Make your own story

Isn't life just a series of moments connecting to make a story that is uniquely yours? Think about it, why is it when we lose somebody, we miss them so much? Why do some wounds although bandaged and safely medicated, never heal?
As human beings, our relationships with others are what gives our life a meaning. Every being that touches our soul, , isn't this what ultimately is life about? I believe that there are 5 essential rules to living a fulfilled life - 

1. Be true to yourself. We are not perfect, none of us are. Our flaws are a part of us, and they complete us. 
2. Be present : This is the hardest. But isn't being there in the moment, being present the only way to live? Nothing absolutely no moment can be replicated and that is the truth. Whether it is sorrow, or happiness, until and unless we give it our 100% we are not living . 
3. Let go : As much as I like to be in control, letting go of a situation, and just allowing universe to take its own course is the best solution. 
4.Adaptability : When we stop resisting change, and learn to adapt to new situations, living begins.
5.Love: Life is love and to love is life. We generally associate love only with human relations, but love is wishing good, seeing good and being joyous.

Welcome life, grab every moment of joy, and hold on tight. You are unique and your story is unique too.  Spread joy, and see it reflecting back tenfold times 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A place to call home

Lately a thought has slowly been gaining prevalence amongst all the other  emotions generally clamouring for attention. A feeling that I have tried to shrug off, brush away as irrelevant or just a fleeting emotion. But the more I try to ignore it, the more it keeps popping up.

Time and again I like to take stock of my life. The older I grow the more I realize the fallacy of analyzing  life,  or even basic emotions. Yet the older we get, the harder it is to get rid of old habits... And introspection is a part of me, which just refuses to let go.

In finding the recipe for happiness, I always underestimated or maybe refused to admit the importance of belonging. We all have our identities tied to our religion, region, our language or our blood ties. But when you are displaced, either by choice or forcibly, your survival depends on  your adaptability. Adapting means giving up on some of your old characteristics and blending into a society of your choice.

I have always struggled to belong.... The longing to be at home, to be myself , to be
at ease. We humans are insecure and always feel threatened by change. We like to stress on our difference rather than the commonality, maybe because the differences are what makes us belong to the herd -- our nationality, our religion or language. We are social, we live in groups and being an outsider can be a challenge.

Our desire to belong, to be accepted by our peer, to revel in the strength of similarity is what encourages us to conform to the unsaid laws of uniformity in society.

As I grow older, I have realized that the void of not belonging has been filled with empathy and kindness. Over the years I have accepted that I will be living on the fringe of society, I am too mutated to be accepted in any group or be a member of a herd. So I will be walking alone,secretly   always looking for the place that I can say truthfully is home

Making sense of it all

The last couple of months have been surreal for most of us - and nightmare to many others. People have lost loved ones, lost their liveliho...