Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Work in Progress

Six months ago I wrote a post on how to change careers in your 40s. No, this is no "yes I did it " story, I am still a work in progress. Yet when I look back, I feel pretty proud about how I handled adversity. I wasn't exemplary in the least - not the optimistic, life is precious, I am grateful - crap. There were days when I forced myself to me that - feel positive, but there were days, when I was praying for an earthquake or any possible disaster that could solve all my problems. Some people are naturally positive, some are "learned optimistic" -or should I dare say pseudo optimistic. I fall in the later category. As you grow older, you tend to adjust your behavior to what is deemed acceptable in the society. We learn to please others to avoid confrontations, losing our essence in the process.
The journey in self-discovery is still in its nascent stages, and hopefully I will be able to figure out the purpose of the life before it is too late. There are been a few lessons that I have learned though :
1. Pretending to be happy when you are hurting is not without repercussions - you lose your health in bargain. Sometimes we stay so long in the denial mode that we end up believing the illusion that everything is right.
2. Friends who can listen incessantly to your whining and complaining are few and therefore precious. Keep them close and you will never need a therapist.
3. Time heals - but when things go wrong - time stops - everyday seems like a millennium.
4. We don't control everything - so we are not responsible for all the undesirable incidents in our lives. It is easier to forgive your self when you realize that you are not the center of the universe .
5. Every - and believe every thing in life has a price - and the sooner we understand it - the easier it is to pay the price .
6. Understand no one is truly happy. We all have some lacuna in our lives. Most people just don't like to admit it . In the process of deceiving others they end up falling a prey to their own deceit.
7. The only way to be happy (believe me -I am able to capture just fleeting moments of it) is to live in the present. No it is not as easy as it sounds - it takes years and years of practice. But yes , that is the only way.
8. Laughter is the best medicine - so laugh to keep your sanity and cry to wash your soul .

Everyday you learn something surprising about yourself - I still am .....

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolutions 2013


1. Smile more, frown less : This year I intend to smile not for others, but at myself too. Be more kind , less demanding , more forgiving towards myself , even when I break my resolutions !

2.  Give more and receive more :I sincerely wish that I get associated with a cause  that I believe in. This year I hope to give back to the community and be part of this awesome culture of volunteerism. I hope to give my time and rev

3.Focus more,multitask less  :  I intend to live fully in the present at least for 10 minutes a day. To sit without doing nothing, my mind empty of all worries and desires - just to breathe in and and be aware.

4. More gratitude ,less complaining : Nothing  reiterates that life is beautiful more  than compiling a list of things to be grateful for, whereas judging or others is mere focus on attributes you assume to be negative.
 I am learning to be a good receiver too - not to question the intentions of the giver - just accept it with an open and loving heart.

.5.More heart, more compassion, less judgmental : Letting your heart to guide you is not as easy as it sounds - especially when the mind and heart are of conflicting opinions. I intend to let go of my fears and trust  the heart to decide what is best for me. 

Making sense of it all

The last couple of months have been surreal for most of us - and nightmare to many others. People have lost loved ones, lost their liveliho...