Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Flawed beings

Everyday is a learning process -you learn something new about yourself. We are constantly in the mode of discovering our true self. Now, it would be easier if we were one-dimensional -but we are complex beings,. I honestly feel that our desire to connect and be loved is what drives our basic nature. We are social beings and connecting with others is what gives our lives meaning. 

But to connect - truly connect with someone, to love and be loved , don't we need to know who we truly are? Until and unless we are true to ourselves, can we expect to truly love someone else? If there is one thing that is hardest to do, is to look within... and look close. We are all flawed - each one of us, some more than others, some broken, some just bruised and maybe that is what makes us so interesting. We  are a composite of contradictory emotions - each emotion  fighting for the spotlight. Ultimately we project the personality that will be most loved and accepted by others. Very few, if any, have either understood all the aspects of their  being and have the courage to expose them to the world. 

We are flawed, yet propagate perfectness.  People rarely go around willingly discussing their weaknesses. We look for perfect love - with perfect people. We hide our insecurities, our fears behind our smiles.Why won't we be fearful of others when on a subconscious level we are aware of the depths of our negativity within? 

Human beings are capable of unmentionable cruelties and have always been. Yet, we all have this infinite capability to love and care too. We have  to learn to love our broken selves, to cherish and accept it, to nurse it, to highlight our goodness, because the person you will love will be like you.....flawed and multi-dimensional. You may not see it all, just as you don't see your dark side, but loving someone, is not picking and choosing, it is accepting the whole - the warts, flaws along with the obvious goodness.

Making sense of it all

The last couple of months have been surreal for most of us - and nightmare to many others. People have lost loved ones, lost their liveliho...