Sunday, April 21, 2013

The common thread

In this diverse world, only one thing unifies us. It is the array of emotions that we all face that is the common denominator. We may not understand each others languages, each others religious concepts or other cultural nuances. We may not share the same type of food - while one might be pure vegetarian, the other might be eating insects for all that matters. Our opinions about the global events will be differing too, depending on the social and cultural upbringing, yet there is something common. Something that defines us all as a human race. Not our speech, not that we can walk on our two feet, not even our intelligence, or our desire to progress, but it is our ability to feel emotions that humanize us.
I know in the present society higher intelligence level is given a preferred status. Yet what makes us really different from other species is our ability to laugh, cry, love and convey the same to each other through means of body language. Nothing says I care better than a hug, or a disapproval than a frown. It doesn't matter which part of the planet you live in, it doesn't matter if you live in a palace or a shack, we all share the same expressions for happiness, and sorrow. A smile, a warm hug, sharing a cry with someone, all are part of universal language.
Love, disappointment, sorrow, heartbreaks feel the same for everyone. Yet instead of sharing our aspirations and dreams  that unifies us, supporting and showing compassion for our fellow humans,we are always  bent on finding traits that differentiate  each other on the basis of religion, language and color. The more we learn to appreciate what unifies us as human race, the better we will understand each other.

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