International Woman's Day - strange that we need to have a day to celebrate the presence of half of the world. Just goes to show that all is not well in the world. I was born and raised in a country ranked among the top 5 worst places to be born as a woman. A country synonymous with female infanticides, child marriages, rapes, dowry killings and honor killings. A country where when you walk down the streets, you are always looking over your shoulders, where you are expected to either stay home or risk being groped in crowded transit. You grow up knowing nothing different, being obedient was and in some cases is still a norm. I don't want to go into the details of what is wrong about the patriarchal society and how stifling it can be for the best of us to survive.
When I first came to Canada, I was amazed at the choices women had - in careers, in choosing their life partners, in choosing their lifestyles. Yet when I came across a hoarding proclaiming how about "pro-choice" was equivalent to murder, the blatant sexism struck me as to how far we actually have to go before we can say that yes we are equals.
Women and men are different and it would be stupid for anyone of us to believe anything other than this. Feminism is not about being single, or hating men, or doing things to prove men are less than us. Feminism is about having the fundamental rights to choose what is right or wrong for us. It is the fight for the right to be treated with the same humanity as men, given the same freedom of choice.
Crimes specific to women are rampant all over and I don't it diminishing in near future any soon. Yet, for me feminism is just the 50% of world's population saying that we maybe different from men, but we are in no way less important. It seems at times ridiculous, that although the role of men in procreation has become ambiguous with technology, they still get to decide what we do with our body or our lives.
The onus to bringing a change begins at home and as women we have to start with examining how we view ourselves, and other women. Until and unless we support each other, teach our children to respect both the sexes, the cycle will not be broken. As a mother every action of mine is scrutinized by my children.The respect I demand, will teach them in later years to hopefully share with their partners. If it is girl child, she will know that a woman can be strong and independent and every time you teach yourself with respect, you are teaching your sons that treating any woman less than "full" human being is not acceptable.
Freedom to choose - that is all we want. It is my body, my life and it is my decision. Motherhood is fine, for me womanhood is more important. I am a woman first and then a mother and I am not ashamed to say so. Stand up for each other and be proud of the achievements of other women is all we can ask from each other
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