Monday, March 25, 2013

Dealing with anxiety

You know you are in trouble when you find yourself on a search engine looking for a name for chronic worrying and  are relieved that it is in fact recognized as a disorder and has an official name- GAD or Generalized Anxiety Disorder. And then of course if you are a chronic worrier or prone to anxiety you start to worry whether you indeed do have it and if so ......

You get the point. I am almost positive  that I don't  have GAD, but yes there are days when my brain doesn't listen to logic, when it goes off on a free run, directionless or sometimes just in circles around one point. A worrier can worry about anything right from whether you locked the doors, or switched off the oven, or if the kids are safe. And if all is fine, you start worrying about friends and maybe climate change too.

Worrying has no end and  a pro worrier will scourge through the garbage to find something to worry about. Anxiety, stress and worry all go hand in hand and most often than not create a visible havoc in your body
Why do we worry? I loved the research said that it has something to do with our genetic makeup, but I also feel that it is something learned. Lack of faith resulting in fear and fear in anxiety . I know it is very common for medical practitioners to prescribe medication for anxiety (Ativan is as common as Advil and I am so tempted to let the chemicals take over) or then there is self medication like alcohol or smoking.

I am convinced that as people become more isolated in society, the next generation is going to experience higher stress levels. I know there is no way that I can be stress-free, I am too high -strung for that, but I am also aware that I am in dire need to inoculate tools to manage stress into my life. I have always been the one to avoid situations where I would have to experience stress, but it does come with a price. Price of missing out on many opportunities in life.

Learning to relax in body and mind is the antidote to stress. Here were some of the friendly tips which I intend to try .

1. Don't take your work home with you. You will make mistakes, you are human. But when you leave work, make it a point to leave that part of your brain there. Let it be.
2 . Find something that relaxes you - I love reading, but guess what reading heavy stuff does nothing to relax me. Maybe comic books would work.
3. A roadside notice proclaimed "Laugh louder"- yes louder and more often. So no more sappy love stories or crime crappers, only comedies.
4. Instrumental music -was an accidental discovery for me, I tend to appreciate lyrics more than music and guess what understanding lyrics again uses the part of brain you want to relax.
5. Deep breathing, tapping and chanting are other remedies that have proven to be relaxing.
6. Walking , running and exercising  are other advises - am too lazy so have them on the bottom of the list.

And lastly like my kids tell me, let there be peace in your heart. If the heart is well , brain will follow soon.

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