Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Introduction to tapping

This morning I woke up in a great mood, but before I got to work my mood changed, why because I let the things I could not control get to me. The bank messed up on my  account and I couldn't get it fixed until they opened. Like everyone else I got upset  and frustrated and all  of these things just caused a chain of negative reactions making me feel aggravated, off balance, ready to yell at anyone I could get a hold of.

If my day was off to a bad start , I assumed I should let others know that.  The more you feed your  negative thoughts, the more it grows stronger and before you know ,you have lost your will to fight against it. Not only does it affect you mentally, but before I knew I was having headache, low energy levels and just feeling fatigued. That was till I sat down and realised, I don't have to own this feeling for the rest of the day. I can choose not to let one incident affect rest of my day. I control my thoughts and my feelings. It's not a pleasant feeling, being angry and frustrated and it was in my hands to let it just go and move on. Own it , feel it and let it go - and that's exactly what I did.
Yes let go shake it off. I have found that with  tapping I can release the feelings I don't want to own, and replace it with  feelings that I do want. Tapping is easy and  you can do it every day as many times as you need. It alows you to release that energy you just don't need or want. Tapping is great way change the feeling of bad to good. I will be talking about it more next time.

Have a nice day

 By Petal

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