All systems in this universe are created to inhale the goodness and exhale the bad. Our body is the same. Even when we eat the healthiest food, the body still processes it into nutrition and crap. Same with our thoughts.. All the thoughts, information, interactions that we openly welcome into our lives is processed by our brain into life enhancing and crap. We are so busy trying to imbibe the goodness,that we overlook to delete the junk , the toxic emotions collected over the time.
Each one of us take different time to heal. We all process events in our life with varied states of intensity.The problem is society expects us all to heal at a standardized time frame. A person who seemingly recovers faster than others is labelled as "Strong" and in our quest to emerge as a strong person, we sometimes pretend that we are healed, suppressing our real pain and surging ahead to next challenges in our lives.
Taking time to heal does not mean we are weak, it just means we are aware of our own threshold points. Letting others to pressurise us to believe that all is fine and to keep marching on is sometimes the only option available to us. Yet there comes a point in life, when even a seemingly minor incident sets a trigger for our breakdown.
Take time to heal, take time to cry, take time to brood. Smiling when you are hurting does not make you strong. It is convenient for people around you to think that you are fine... but smile when your heart tells you to, pretending only leads to disasters, if not today, maybe years from now.
Each one of us take different time to heal. We all process events in our life with varied states of intensity.The problem is society expects us all to heal at a standardized time frame. A person who seemingly recovers faster than others is labelled as "Strong" and in our quest to emerge as a strong person, we sometimes pretend that we are healed, suppressing our real pain and surging ahead to next challenges in our lives.
Taking time to heal does not mean we are weak, it just means we are aware of our own threshold points. Letting others to pressurise us to believe that all is fine and to keep marching on is sometimes the only option available to us. Yet there comes a point in life, when even a seemingly minor incident sets a trigger for our breakdown.
Take time to heal, take time to cry, take time to brood. Smiling when you are hurting does not make you strong. It is convenient for people around you to think that you are fine... but smile when your heart tells you to, pretending only leads to disasters, if not today, maybe years from now.
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