Sunday, August 11, 2013

Raising Boys

Raising boys comes with a price. Fortunately or unfortunately their idea of  clean house differs from mine to such an extent that it makes me wonder if we are talking about the same thing.  Although I love my kids to death, there are somethings that I wish they understood. Here is a list of the "I wish they understood"...

1. Dishes go into the sink not on counter at least till we manage to add a conveyor belt from kitchen counter to sink.
2. Garbage goes into garbage bins - not under the bed. No, there is no chute on the floor to suck it right into the bin.
3. Wrappers behind the couch, half eaten apple under it - it seems you guys seem to be mistaken as to where we live.
4. Hogging on the comfy chair, when an adult has no place to sit,  is not cool. Ignoring my subtle hints to get off the chair is definitely a recipe for trouble.
5. Lecturing parents on environmental responsibilities and yet taking half an hour shower is definitely not cool.
6. Dirty clothes go in the laundry basket, shoes on shoe rack and jackets on hangers - how can you forget/ignore simple instructions like these?
7. Aim well when using the toilet - and just to be clear your target is the toilet bowl.
8. Secret entries into the house are meant to be secret not shared with friends and getting them to climb into the house is an  absolute no no
9.Tantrums get you nowhere. Period. No where.
10. However good the food, someone has to do the dishes. However bad the food, someone has to still cook it.

One day maybe when I look I will miss all the mess, and all the unnecessary stress, but for now I do wish that all they do is follow the simple instructions and make life a little easier.
Maybe it is the easy going upbringing or just the fact that they are  boys, i

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