Even simple communications can result in misunderstandings when there is lack of trust and confidence. A smile can be perceived as sneer, a pause as a doubt or silence as rejection. We color the responses according to the baggage of our past we carry with us. Understanding requires open mindedness, a open heart and a open mind. Understanding requires you to be sure of yourself, of your own worth. Anything less than that and there are bound to be misunderstandings.
Relations take a long time to build and just a moment of misunderstanding to break. Mutual respect and trust with no ulterior motive of gain is the basis foundation of a good strong relationship. Calculations and manipulations can't get you too far, ultimately karma does catch up with you . Mean well, curb the monster of envy, expect nothing except the joy of company and you are bound to get an emotionally satisfying relationship.
The other step is letting go of people who just leech on to you . People who by their sheer negative presence, sheer demanding nature can drain the very spirit out of you . They are not easy to spot, as they usually wear the cloak of being friendly and well meaning, but each time they leave, you feel relieved and although you may not be able to pinpoint why, fact is they take way more than they give. Beware of the takers - they are just not worth it.
Give judiciously and receive graciously and you will end up with relationships that enhance your life.
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