You may choose to quit studies after school, to travel the world, great - that is your choice , or you may choose to work hard in your youth and then travel later. You may choose to save money in your youth for comfortable retirement, or you may decide that it is better to have fun in the youth. There are no rights and wrongs, just acceptance that all our decisions come with their own consequence, and we are responsible for it. Decisions that are taken with consideration with instant gratification, but with a long term view, is what turns out to be ones without regrets.
Of course there are times, when life makes the decisions for you , but again we still have the choice to either accept it with a smile and take it in our stride, or fight and turn bitter.
To make a wise decision you need to be aware that you know the long and short term pros and cons of your choice.Living in the moment has its pros and cons and so does planning in detail for the future.Whatever you choose, accepting responsibility for your choice is what makes a person grow stronger.
The day we learn that only we are responsible for our choices- maybe there are times when there are limited choices , or maybe no choice at all, yet to know that we did what could do best at the time brings peace to our mind and heart.
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