Friday, June 28, 2013

The key to happiness

As a dynamic living organism living in a throbbing and ever changing environment, our moods, our happiness and sorrows are all  dependent on so many different factors. To assume that we should be unaffected by all the negative or positive happenings around us, is not only impossible but would make us to a certain extent inhuman. If we didn't experience sorrow, we would never be able to empathize with others.

So how would you define happiness? Is it when the list of things you are grateful for is way longer than the list of complains? Or is it when you are just at peace - not content, but just accepting your present situation the way it is without tagging it with any names? Or is it just living in the now - which takes years of serious practice to achieve?

Interacting with so many people from all walks of life, I have observed certain qualities that most "happy " people share. These are the people who radiate joy just by their mere presence.The traits they all share  are  gratitude, love and sharing unconditionally. Take out gratitude and all you are left is a list of complains, list of "have not's" and disappointments, brewing resentment and bitterness.Gratitude is being aware every minute of your day that life is a gift, that every breath we take is borrowed and that the joys in the world outnumber the sorrows. Every sunrise, every sunset, every hug, every smile is a gift and graciously accepting them, and thanking them is the only way to warm our hearts. After all, what is "being positive" if not being grateful?

The more you practice gratitude, the more you are aware of abundance overflowing in your life.Abundance that you will joyously  share with others, because when you love your life, when you are conscious of all the gifts surrounding you, all you would want is to share it others. You will be more receptive to other people's pain, more accepting of  their joys.
There can be no unconditional giving, no loving without practicing gratitude.

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