Judging eyes, boxing you into good or bad, moral or immoral follow you everywhere. Eyes reprimanding you for smoking, for the way you dress, for drinking , or for just being promiscuous. Moral policing, drawing lines on what is permissible, what is not are everywhere. Whether we like it or not we generally tend to box people into what is acceptable or unacceptable within our moral compass.
Coming from a country that takes pride in its "high moral values ", I have to admit it took me a long time to unlearn all that I was taught was right and wrong. Rarely do our moral values stem from our own realities, most of the time it is shoved down on us by society or religion.
Morality for me, is not hurting anybody else on purpose.
The perception that the line drawn is solid is a fallacy. It is blurred, it is permissive, because evil and good are all part of us, within us. .Morality is such a grey area, changing with times, with cultures ,with personal beliefs. What is wrong and what is right, although described well in all the religious texts, analyzed and presented, still leave room for improvement.I refuse to feel bond by the pressures of being morally right.Vegetarians judging meat eaters, believers judging atheists, straights judging gays, where does it stop? Isn't judging someone the worst sin that you could commit?
What is acceptable in one society is frowned down in another. What used to be punishable by death in one century is embraced in the next. With so much room for doubt, how do we decide that we are in the right ? What is the universal criteria, the timeless rules for ensuring that the decisions we take are contained.
Judging others based on our set of rules is unfair. What is good and what is bad is sometimes not as simple as it sounds, yet fundamentally anything that helps another living creature cannot be bad, provided it is not for your own gains.
Religious bindings, bindings set by society all regulate our day to day life. I am amazed at times how restrictive the society can be in imposing beliefs and moral values that are so time bound and local. Restrictions that are not logical , does not improve you as human being, yet we all blindly follow them.
Religious bindings, bindings set by society all regulate our day to day life. I am amazed at times how restrictive the society can be in imposing beliefs and moral values that are so time bound and local. Restrictions that are not logical , does not improve you as human being, yet we all blindly follow them.
Live with your conscience wide awake, ask questions - lots - and follow what feels right to your heart and makes sense to you. Life is too short .
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