I will be honest, last couple of weeks have been very intense and not in the good way. The stress has been so unbearable, that for once I could understand the pain that drives people towards alcohol and drugs and could empathize with them. Only a couple weeks of despair and I was searching for ways to numb my pain. That is, till the mind took control over heart and years of reading spirituality books, took the reins over.
When I was analyzing my fears, it dawned on me that the amount of time I was spending on social network was partly to blame for my distorted perception. . When the going is good, your mettle is not tested. True character of a person is only revealed under hardships. I realized that more than the financial loss, it was the shame, the embarrassment of failure, that was dragging me down. Even years of reading and practicing spirituality cannot bring down the inflated ego down.
Wasn’t I guilty of posting happy pictures, and falsifying my life on social media? Was my failure and stress the only reason that I was feeling down or was it that amongst the 190 friends on facebook, there didn’t seem to be one with a problem ?Here are the five reasons I deactivated my account.(it is hard to wean away from an addiction ).
- Too much of information: Facebook is like gossip on a global scale. Honestly, knowing every detail of my friends was blocking my memory.
- Narcissism: I have had enough of liking profile pictures.
- Tired of comparison: Whether we like it or not, want it or not, we all are guilty of comparing our lives with our peers.
- I have nothing to share: How much can you share openly with 190 people? It has come to a point that I have no smiles left to share and tears are not for facebook.
- It is hard to differentiate between an illusion and reality. Facebook propagates illusion, and if you get too involved in it, it gets hard to come back to reality.
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