Nothing in the world is more powerful than our mind. It senses everything, it records every event, and in many ways controls our reactions. It can be perceived maybe as soft as clay, with delible writings of the past molding our thoughts, but also like clay, maybe it can again be erased to create something new. Most of us though treat our minds like a hard surface-with every incident recorded like a scratch - unerasable.
Our reactions to the present situations are based on our past experiences. But we forget that doing so we are not experiencing the moment as it is - with fresh eyes.It is so easy for us to play victims, to succumb to the unfairness of life. There is something about being helpless, of blaming everything on destiny .
I definitely believe in going with the flow - of not resisting the changes in my life. At the same time, I feel I am empowered to react to the changes - I have the power to control what my mind can perceive. Nobody absolutely nobody can take away that away from me. You choose to be happy and if you feel a wave of sadness coming in - you wait either to surf the wave or to hold you breath till the wave passes over you.
We might not control our destiny always, but we definitely control how we react to it. At times we may need floaters to prevent us from drowning, and at times we might not be strong enough to swim or float on our own, but at times like this we still have the power to ask for help. Drowning is easy, death is easy, it is the living that needs all our strength. Control the mind,tame the past, and soar the heights you are meant to reach.
We might not control our destiny always, but we definitely control how we react to it. At times we may need floaters to prevent us from drowning, and at times we might not be strong enough to swim or float on our own, but at times like this we still have the power to ask for help. Drowning is easy, death is easy, it is the living that needs all our strength. Control the mind,tame the past, and soar the heights you are meant to reach.
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