Monday, September 23, 2013

Of Angels and Fairies

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”
― Roald Dahl

Dragonflies are lucky, and butterflies are your angels. Rainbows mean someone is looking after you and I would like to believe the hummingbird in my yard was sent to give me the message of love. The rays of sun peeking through the clouds are the blessings from another world, the bird singing in my backyard is delivering the message of hope and yes even the ladybird on the dew soaked leaf is just a symbol of good luck. The four leaf clover, the penny found on the road, the butterfly ,hovering over me, bring hope. You may say it is all fantasy,it is superstitious, not the truth, but who cares? 

Life in the world of harsh realities,  life can at times seem unbearable to live. Day to day living, bills, crimes, endless strife -practical matters- needless worries all over the time can leave us questioning the wisdom of life being beautiful. Before we know the joy of living is replaced by just being  a participant in the process of life.

There is no escape from the harsh realities of life, but  romanticizing life by adding a dash of magic to it can make living brighter.  Some may also accuse  you of being unrealistic, yet seeing beyond what is obvious, inventing hope and actively looking for what is beautiful in life, what is good in people is what makes living worthwhile. I find it fascinating that the sun that is casting its last rays on my land, is rising in some far corner of the world. I find the touch of snow flakes magical, the belief and ease with which the trees shed their leaves magical, the instincts of survival in even the smallest of creature magical.

So go ahead, read some fantasies, believe in happy endings, believe in fairies  and angels and add colour to a life that can otherwise turn dreary. Believe in magic, believe in miracles, look at the world with renewed wonder each day - for every day is indeed different.There is no escape from the harsh realities of life

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