Sometimes its so easy to get bogged down with all the responsibilities, the expectations we have about our life, that we forget that we are just travelers passing by and to enjoy this journey, we have to be good travelers.
Life is precious, we are important, we are unique, and these are the very statements that inflate our self-importance and ego. Self-importance leads to comparisons, which leads to envy and sometimes better than thou attitude. I am definitely grateful to be alive and enjoying this beautiful planet and the priceless relationships and friendships, but am learning to be a good traveler, I should not ignore where this journey ends. Here are the five things that help me face the life truths and bring me back on track
Life is greater than us. : We are just a speck in this mighty universe. The world doesn’t stop of us – life doesn’t stop for us. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or self-pity , I just sit under the stars and realize that my problems really don’t matter . The mountains, the ocean waves, the stars were all there before me and are going to be there always .
Change is the only thing permanent: We always assume life is going to remain the way it is – especially the good times. I remember how I eager I was to grow up and be an adult – and now I wonder what was the rush. Whether we like it or not, change is part of life, change is the law of universe and we should be prepared for it always, especially when times are good.
Contentment is underrated: In our western society, contentment is definitely not considered a virtue. We are always in the improvement mode – always improving – either our bodies, or our face or our smile or trying to improve our brain. The day we learn to accept ourselves just the way we are, we are peace.
Humor: To really enjoy the journey, make light of your problems, laugh and smile a lot. Laugh and the world laughs with you – cry and you cry alone. Surround yourself with people and things that make you laugh and smile, if not learn to laugh at yourself.
Live in the present: I hear so many people my age talking getting all nostalgic about college and school days or looking at pictures of children when they were babies, I rarely do it. Somehow, the present, no matter how tough it is (believe me it is), is still where I want to live. I realize the more I dwell in the past, the more miserable I get. Learn to live and enjoy every minute of the present.
So true