Friday, April 3, 2015

Ravages of time

Colour - wonderful colours - shades of grey, red, green, blue and browns. We all love colours in our life - different shapes, different strokes, yet when it comes to the human race , we are so eager to box the whole race into one type. It doesn't matter if it is the west or east, the fascination with our concept of physical beauty is universal. And beauty and youth go hand in hand.

Maybe youth promises us with hope, a future - and there is hardly any culture that is not in awe with it.

Every culture has its preconceived notion of  beauty , but ultimately beauty is in the eye of beholder. What pleases one's  sense of aesthetics may not be the same for other. Raised in a culture obsessed with "fair complexion", it definitely was an eyeopener to find tanning  salons promoting shades of warm browns in the western society. Ideal weight, perfect skin, beautiful hair and of course the obvious need to be recognized and appreciated  drives the wellness and beauty industry.

Beauty might be skin deep for some, but we with our innate insecurities and  our vain personalities scamper for products that are supposed to transform us into more appealing personalities. Everybody likes to be appreciated, we all have the deep desire to be accepted  and admired, even though theoretically the concept of "beauty of heart" is widely propagated and socially accepted.

Nothing puts the spotlight on beauty  more than effortless youth. Our desperate measures to hang into the last residues of youth and the ever expanding beauty industry with focus on anti-aging products all pin-point to the association of beauty with youth.

Aging is just the process of life writing its story on our body and face - all the pleasant and unpleasant events are drawn on our bodies  and face. The graying hair, the drooping eyes, sagging skin all indicators that the ravages of time are carving their own story on our bodies and are  a daily reminder of the  imminent decay the mortal being.

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