Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Reflection by the Stream

Every now and then I have this immense need to go and sit beside a stream. Just listening to the flowing water,watching the water find its way over and around the rocks, twisting and turning and flowing. It is one of the most fascinating things to observe - maybe just like life it is so full of movement.

Every now and then, there is this need to cleanse away all the uninvited thoughts - thoughts and emotions that I have unwittingly gathered and saved up. Just watching the water scrub the rocks clean , brings a sense of calm. I go there to shed my troubles, to give up the conflict of what I want and what I have - to erase the doubt about how I could do things differently and be better. 

Every now and then, sitting by stream, I pause to reflect and reaffirm the purpose of my life - that is if it has any purpose. I like to pause and listen to my thoughts, to look inward, to stop the incessant noise that is still drumming somewhere deep.The sound of stream  drowns away all the noises - wiping away the doubts and feeling of inadequacy.

The silence in the sound of water, the color in the colorless water, the stillness of the flowing water a meditation in motion. We all need  a place where we need to sit quietly and listen, listen and connect to the source of our existence. It is amazing how it is teaches me that nothing remains constant - the water flows towards the river, but there are days when the stream is just trickling by and days when it is dancing with joy. The path doesn't change, only evolves to adjust to changing circumstances.

The most important lesson I learn is that the final destination is the same - I have the choice to savor every moment and take it slow and just like the stream I am clueless about how long my journey is.

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