Pause. Everything in life from music to sentences, to nature has this blank space, this small period of nothingness that we call pause. Without pauses, there would be no music, no rhythm, no meaningful sentences, no paintings. We miss out the importance of this small space of "nothingness", unproductive time gap that makes our life meaningful. Blank spaces, pauses are as important if not more than the words that we fill it with.
Silences give meaning to our words, There is this crazy notion that if we are not busy enough, stressed enough, we are not living our life to the full potential. We wear our busyness as medals of productivity, our stress as our symbol of commitment. Businesses are open longer, our work and home life have been blended by technology. Easy credit, literally 24 hours access to shopping, constant exposure to consumer advertising which catch us unawares, has created a generation who wants instant gratification. The concept of work life balance is slowly but steadily disappearing especially if you want to climb up the ladder. The incessant interaction with the world at digital level, the overload of information, real or fake, is making us lose touch with our real self.
There is need to be quiet.To just be . No headphones, no music...just silence. No social media,no electronics, just contemplation and meditation in the moment. Life is not just you breathing, it is being present in the moment to feel the breath. Sit under the sky, wait to see the shooting star, watch the moon glide gracefully through the night, watch the flowers falling off the trees. stop and listen to the stream, breathe and let the breeze carress your skin, in short, detoxify your being. We are part of something bigger than self and time and again we need to recognize that to keep our problems, our egos in the right prespective.
Life is fleeting, moments are elusive. There is nothing to capture, just soak in the process of living.
Silences give meaning to our words, There is this crazy notion that if we are not busy enough, stressed enough, we are not living our life to the full potential. We wear our busyness as medals of productivity, our stress as our symbol of commitment. Businesses are open longer, our work and home life have been blended by technology. Easy credit, literally 24 hours access to shopping, constant exposure to consumer advertising which catch us unawares, has created a generation who wants instant gratification. The concept of work life balance is slowly but steadily disappearing especially if you want to climb up the ladder. The incessant interaction with the world at digital level, the overload of information, real or fake, is making us lose touch with our real self.
There is need to be quiet.To just be . No headphones, no music...just silence. No social media,no electronics, just contemplation and meditation in the moment. Life is not just you breathing, it is being present in the moment to feel the breath. Sit under the sky, wait to see the shooting star, watch the moon glide gracefully through the night, watch the flowers falling off the trees. stop and listen to the stream, breathe and let the breeze carress your skin, in short, detoxify your being. We are part of something bigger than self and time and again we need to recognize that to keep our problems, our egos in the right prespective.
Life is fleeting, moments are elusive. There is nothing to capture, just soak in the process of living.
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