Thursday, January 16, 2014

Coming alive

There are two paths to follow in life , times when you just have to let life write its story to you and you go with the flow. Then there are times, when you have to take a stand for yourself to just maybe feel that, yes you are alive and empowered. Choosing the right path at the right time is the key to living. Knowing when to just let go and when to take charge.

I have always believed in going with the flow, because fighting against it took up lot of my energy and at times led to disappointments. But I have realised that taking the reins of life in my hands sometimes even if it leads to utter failure gave me more satisfaction . 

Taking action is empowering ourselves.Passivity breeds dependency and  helplessness.We ourselves are responsible for filling in the cracks in our personalities that prevent us from feeling complete. Nobody, absolutely nobody can make us feel complete just  as nobody can make us feel incomplete. Two people don't complete each other , rather two complete people complement each other. Every time we look for the puzzle piece outside of ourselves, we fail. 

Yet we  are social animals and  try as much as we might, we are always looking for  approval from outside sources. Our self-esteem, our very perception about who we are , is dependent to a certain extent to other people's opinions about us. Freedom comes from not disassociating ourselves from other people's reactions, but by refusing to be defined by them.

The journey to be a complete version of myself, where I am comfortable in my own company, in my own skin is a long and maybe arduous one. I might be successful or maybe not, but the first step to loving myself has been discovering that living a life in the reflection of other people's expectation is living a life of lie. No reflections, no judgements, just plain breathing and living and celebrating our very existence is what life is about. 

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