Security , the warm fuzzy feeling of being cocooned in all that is good, all that you want from life. The feeling of knowing you have enough, that you are loved for what you are - without any agenda for improvements. Yet our inner voice, the wise voice knows, that only guarantee in life is change and that is when the conflict between what we have and our fear of losing it gives rise to insecurity and fear. We try everything within our means to keep the current comfy situation the way it is. Desperately clinging to some wild belief that we can control the change, we amass wealth, greedily hoarding for the rainy day, never sure that we have enough. We try drastic measures to look young, resorting at times to mutilating our body, unable to accept that although our souls may live forever, our physical body is decaying every minute, eager to be one with the dust.
We hang on to people we love, drowning them at times with our fears and insecurities. Every negative action or reaction is based on our fear of insecurity and loss. Maybe this is what differentiates us from the other creatures in nature, our sense of entitlement, our belief that the world revolves around us and our refusal to admit the only truth that we are just travelers passing by this beautiful planet.
If we take a deep breath and think, really think, the gist of life, the reason for living becomes clear. We are in a journey together , whether we admit it or not , like it or not, it is the same destination . We have a choice, to take each day, each breath and appreciate the beauty around us. We have the choice to either love our life or to change it with action. Whatever we do, the fact remains, that ultimately all we can gather are memories, memories created by us, created with love. Create memories, breathe in the beauty around you. Look up from the books, look around and smile, not because we have perfect life, smile because you realize that life happened to you ...