Thursday, September 28, 2017

Accidental banker

If my tiny office could talk, it would reveal stories - stories of struggles, of success, of heartbreaks and betrayals, of love, all beyond the numbers that are reflected in their bank statements. Each one of us has fallen, failed and risen in our own ways. In the past few years of being an an accidental banker, I have learnt a few things about life and people in general. Tears have been shed, hugs shared, sounds of laughter and joy and often things that keep people up at night. Finances reveal a lot about you .Numbers don't lie, but they don't tell the complete story. In the past 4 years, I have shared my failures, my successes as others have with me. Some heartbreaking stories stay with you forever. My job has given me insight to mosiac of life - collecting one piece at a time.  Life lessons at 46 - yes it is possible.

1) Never assume. Ask. Time and again I err and assume, making  a judgment without questioning. Asking questions is not rude, but judging someone without knowing their background definitely is. it is surprising how asking the right questions can reveal a story that would have been lost forever.

2) Some thought processes can never be understood, let alone be agreed on. All journeys cannot be understood, and maybe we don't need to, yet respecting it anyways is a possibility.

3) Every journey is unique. All of us have a story to tell. We are all vulnerable and looking for love in some form or other.

4) Poverty is ugly. Period. Money is not evil, but greed is.

5) Beware of debts. It is so easy to take on, yet not all of our bad  financial situations are because of being bad with money. Along with just being plain careless with money, and instant gratification, there are other valid reasons that bring people on the brink of financial crisis like failure in business, bad health , divorce and many more..

6)The rich get where they are because they are conscious of every penny they spend. The most discerning clients are rich people. Not necessarily happiest. But also not necessarily unhappiest.

7) Life is short and unpredictable. Make provisions for your loved ones.Love is not what you do when you are alive , love is also taking care of them after you are long gone. If you have dependents, you need a valid will . If you believe every day could be your last, make plans accordingly.

8) Money can sour the sweetest of relationships. Money matters, in all relationships. Financial stability is a strength in any relationship and a mark of how healthy your relationships are

9) Jerks have no creed and there is no stereotype .I wish I could say rich people are jerks, or people on welfare are. They are unfortunately spread across indiscriminately .

10) The greatest wealth we have is our family and our health. Laughter is the common factor for both.

Making sense of it all

The last couple of months have been surreal for most of us - and nightmare to many others. People have lost loved ones, lost their liveliho...