Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Socially connected

Looks can be deceptive and in today's media savvy world it is all the more true. We look at pictures on social media - happy pictures, smiling faces, adventures and travels, perfect families and perfect relationships. The moment captured perfectly doesn't necessarily represent the life of the person. The story before and after the fabulous picture is often blindsided by the glory of the moment.

The problem is when we start believing that the life presented before is what the whole truth is. I have often assumed and judged a book by its cover and I am sure, others have done the same about me. My struggles, my mundane life, my aspirations, the tiffs, my desires are all my own. I am guilty of at times feeling that my life is not as exciting or perfect as the stories that I read online.

Social media is supposed to make us feel connected and it does do that to a certain extent. A text, a message, a "how are you?"might at times me the only real connection  you might have had. We cannot and are not meant to live in isolation, We, humans need our peers appreciation, we need to feel wanted and loved. My self-esteem might not necessarily and definitely shouldn't be dependent on others, but to assume that we can live without having stimulating  conversations, without exchanging smiles, without sharing our fears with others is just being foolish.

We all need a friend, we all need someone to reassure us that we are not the only ones struggling in life. Reach out to someone today , communicate without pretence. Hug, smile, not because you are nice, but because you remember the day when someone did that to you when you really needed it and it made your day.

The memories dearest to me are of people who have made my day, just by saying a mere hello. Yes , just a hello  and a glimmer of hope that you are thought of is all that we need at times. My lifelines have been at times the conversations on social media, my deepest fears shared on the chat box, my dreams and my aspirations shared with people I have not maybe talked to in person.

Making sense of it all

The last couple of months have been surreal for most of us - and nightmare to many others. People have lost loved ones, lost their liveliho...