Sunday, November 29, 2015

First step into Adulthood

Before long my son you will join the ranks of adults. Legally independent and master of your fate. Like all parents, I am scared to let you go, the urge to keep you protected and safe intense as ever. Yet the only way to experience life is to wholly embrace all that it brings - beauty, ugly, and and all the
mundane things in between. It is the baseline of your life.Loving the day to day living, "the boring" stuff is the key to happiness. Even adventure on regular basis becomes mundane.

It is said life happens when we are busy making plans. Nothing could be truer than that. There is no rule book to live your life, other than being true to yourself . Whatever makes you sleep at night - yes even you who can sleep now for 14 hours and more, will have some sleepless nights.

Stepping out in the big bad world, where you will be held responsible for all your actions, I wish you the wisdom and courage to sail through the rough winds of life.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes. There are no guarantees in life, none at all. Not in your career, relationship or health. Be flexible to ride along the waves and breathe. At times the only thing you can do to traverse the tapestry of life is just breathe, everything else will fall in place.

One important thing as you step out in the world for "winners", is that you define your success and the parameters for happiness. You define your own success.

All I actually want from you is to live... Live every moment maybe on impulse, maybe cautiously. But live. Fully, passionately and with integrity. And in all this living don't forget to dream and create a little magic.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Honestly clueless

  • Incessant chattering in the head, words, ideas, scenarios all running wild. You try to hold on to the thoughts, bring them back to present, but they are strong and fast and soon overpower the tiny sensible voice in your head to come back to present. Our minds are where we live. We are what our thoughts are.They define us.
    I have learnt to let the vagrant thoughts have their way; it is too tiring to try and control them. I have tried to capture the flighty words and make some sense of them, albeit not quiet successfully. The clutter can be overwhelming.Our truth is what we believe. We believe at many times what is convenient for us at the moment. Truth can be uncomfortable and not everyone has the courage to face it. Our version of truth is what we make it out to be.Our beliefs, our lives, are all based on experience, our ability to see the world and how open our minds and hearts are.
    Honesty is not about telling the absolute truth, it is about acknowledging what we perceive to be true. It is about presenting the facts as they are, without purposeful tampering, without twisting it. Honesty is looking into the mirror and seeing the reflection - flaws and all - seeing things for how they are to the best of our ability.
    I find myself leaning more towards maintaining peace and equanimity than wasting my energy in unravelling the truth.Some mysteries are meant to be unsolved, some issues unresolved.Some lies are best ignored, some deceptions better forgiven. When there is no absolute truth, how can there be absolute right or wrong? Acceptance of our limitations are what sets us free. I am learning that not everyone sees the world the way I do and that is okay.We use rose coloured glasses to see the world, filter the harshness to keep the heart soft and kind.

Making sense of it all

The last couple of months have been surreal for most of us - and nightmare to many others. People have lost loved ones, lost their liveliho...