1. Money isn't everything - but money is almost as important as health
2. What you earn matters, but what and how you spend matters more
3. It doesn't take long for your bank balance to go down - a divorce, a job loss, a long term illness - a sick child .You can't judge others by their bank balance - you don't know their story
4. Not all bank balances are created equal - some are inherited, some are accident claims, and some are self-made. But all bank balances tell you a story.
5. You don't take money with you when you pass on - but you definitely need it till the end. You never know how long and under what health issues you will live in the future -and there are no seniors discounts on hydro bills and groceries.
6. Write a will, disburse as much as you can - inheritance creates problems - it tests relationships.
7. Poverty is no fun, but at the same time being rich is not guarantee for happiness. The more you have , the more you obsess about money.