Remnants of experiences are meant to be savored in our memories - we thrive on them. The inspiring moments, the fleeting impressions that somehow leave you transformed, the collage of pictures, the scars - visible and invisible paint a picture of how we become as persons. What we collect is what we become. Collect happy memories to lean on when you need them... and you have a treasure full of nostalgia to dig in to energize and move on
Be selective, before you store those memories. We have the power of imagination to water down the negative and to enhance the positive experiences in our lives. Visit the happy times more often, to soar high, and shrug off the negative memories, because it still has the power to influence us. Our collection of memories are what we become in the end.
Some people become a part of you - you don't forget them or remember them - they are just there. They might have passed away, they might not be physically present , but they very cleverly seep into your very soul to be there till the end.
Collectors always have a problem of not knowing though when to stop. Crowded and useless collection of people and memories will only drag us down by its weight. I prefer to at times just erase the unnecessary, retire the memories that no longer inspire or give me pleasure.
So guard your memories, cherish the happy ones,- they are your powerhouse of strength.
I have a collection of friends -some not in this world anymore, some too far away from me physically, some I am in touch with regularly, some not anymore, yet their influence on my personality can never be denied.